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Meditation Society

Durham University Meditation Society

Weekly Meditation Sessions

Every Wednesday 1.15-2.15pm at St Antony’s Priory.

Join Our Page

Join our Facebook page for updates, or email us for more information.


Come to a session to try for free. If you enjoy, please consider joining to support us.



Meditation is a fundamental tool for sharpening attention and increasing awareness. With time, it can shed light on and improve all areas of life.

By practising holding our attention on a single experience, like the breath, we can become less susceptible to distraction. Through simple observation, we can find a way to ground ourselves, build resilience to negative emotions and enjoy the present moment. Meditation is not about trying to stop thoughts, but rather observing the mind exactly as it is, without judgement. When this is done, the mind tends to clear by itself.


Weekly Meditation Sessions

Sessions are usually led by Nicholas Buxton, director of St Antony’s Priory. The priory has a beautiful chapel area where we sit for our sessions. Please remember to bring evidence of a negative LFT from within 48h of meeting, and a mask to wear whilst moving around the building.

The meditation is split into two periods with a short break in the middle. It is led with a focus on mindfulness of breath, but if you prefer a different technique, feel free to use this space to practise that.

All personal beliefs and levels of experience are welcome. Join us and take a moment to breathe.


Meditation Society

It is possible that the society might grow in the future, with members able to lead their own sessions. If you are interested in learning to do this, we may run workshops later in the year.

If there is sufficient interest, we may also run discussion groups and other events. Please do stay in contact and feel free to post in the Meditation Society Facebook group.

In the meantime, a daily habit of meditation is one of the most powerful things you can add to your life.
